decode Unicode Sequence To String
This method converts String that contains a sequence of Unicode codes onto a String of corresponding characters. For example a String "\u005c\u00750048\u005c\u00750065\u005c\u0075006c\u005c\u0075006c\u005c\u0075006f" will be converted into String "Hello" by this method. This method performs reverse conversion of the one performed by method encodeStringToUnicodeSequence I.e. Any textual String converted into sequence of Unicode codes by method encodeStringToUnicodeSequence may be retrieved back by invoking this method on that Unicode sequence String.
String That contains sequence of characters that correspond to the respective Unicode codes in the original String
String That contains sequence of Unicode codes. Each code must be in hexadecimal format and must be preceded by "'backslash' + 'u'" prefix. (note that prefix '\U' is now valid as opposed to earlier versions). This method allows leading and trailing whitespaces for the whole String as well as spaces between codes. Those white spaces will be ignored.
if input String is in invalid format. For example if any code is not in hexadecimal format or the code is not a valid Unicode code (not valid code point).