Using Field Matcher
The field declared class fully qualified name.
----------------The field descriptor.
----------------Field modifiers. Match using java.lang.reflect.Modifier mask bits, default match type is contains, if you need to match exactly, please use modifiers overloaded function.
Using type. Default is UsingType.Any.
Add field annotation matcher.
----------------Read this field value's methods matcher.
----------------Add read this field value's method matcher.
----------------Write this field value's methods matcher.
----------------Add write this field value's method matcher.
----------------Field annotation count.
----------------Field annotation count range.
----------------The field annotations matcher.
----------------The field declared class matcher.
----------------The field declared class name matcher.
----------------The field descriptor, specifies a unique field.
----------------Need to match field.
----------------Field modifiers matcher.
----------------Field modifiers. Match using java.lang.reflect.Modifier mask bits.
----------------The field name string matcher
----------------The field name.
----------------Read this field value's methods matcher.
----------------The field type class matcher.
----------------The field type matcher.
----------------The field type name matcher.
----------------Using type.
----------------Write this field value's methods matcher.